《Rhythm 61》
2024.9 |400(W)mm×350(D)mm×300(H)mm 
stage set for pea sprouts, pea sprouts, UHDvideo(2min15sec)
This small stage setup lets pea sprouts grow under blue and red lights, which are the best colors for plant growth. By using their natural tendency to grow towards light, I can make the sprouts move by adjusting the light angles and timings. I planted seven seeds on the stage and let them grow for two weeks, filming the whole process with a fixed camera. Once the sprouts were big enough, I attached electrodes to their leaves to measure their electrical signals and turned those signals into music, creating a background music for their dance.
The back screen of the device represents the “past,” showing the sprouts’ movements over the two weeks and the music generated from their electrical signals. The “present” is the sprouts themselves, growing on stage. While we can’t see their movements directly, they are definitely growing right in front of us.
Commercially grown pea sprouts are usually grown in factories with controlled lighting to ensure they grow straight, and they are typically shipped after about two weeks.This work records the pea sprouts moving freely during the two weeks “before shipping.” The two aspects—pea sprouts’ movements during the two weeks and their appearance after the two weeks, which we would not normally see—intersect in this work.
The  pea sprouts are dancing all the time, in a rhythm we can't see
The  pea sprouts are singing all the time, in a rhythm we can't hear
さて、ここでは《Rhythm 61》というタイトルに言及し、「タイムリミット」への応答 を試みようと思います。ここでいう「タイム」は必ずしも時刻のことを指すとは限りま せん。今回の作品で扱うように、「時の流れの 2 点間の長さ」のことでしょう。また、 その「タイム」の単位があるとするのなら、それは秒でも分でもないと言えます。 タイトルの「61」という数字は安静時の私の心拍数です。拍動は指標であると同時に、 もの固有の時間の流れでもあります。このように、共通化された単位である時刻とはま た別の「タイム」が、私の体にも流れているのです。 〈私の心拍数は偶然にも、素数でした。〉 本作品における「タイムリミット」は、工場で育てられた豆苗が出荷されるまでの期間 の 2 週間なのでしょう。「タイムリミット」までの期間中は、図らずしも豆苗たちが踊っ てくれましたし、豆苗の電気信号から音楽を生成できました。そして、タイムリミット の 2 週間を超えても成長を続け、いまもなお光を浴びます。 他者に目を向けることは、多様な時間の流れを意識することでもあります。今回私が扱 うのは、非人間的な時間で過ごしているものたちです。私は豆苗の時間と向き合いまし た。今回、私は映像というメディアを使用することで、タイムラプスによって「タイム」 を伸縮させながら豆苗の違った姿を記録しようと試みるのです。

Now, I will attempt to respond to "Time Limit" while referring to the title "Rhythm 61." "Time" does not necessarily refer to the clock time. In this work, it likely refers to the "length between two points in the flow of time." Additionally, if there were a unit for this "time," it would not be seconds or minutes. The number "61" in the title is my resting heart rate. A heartbeat is both an indicator and a unique flow of time for each entity. In this way, there is a "time" flowing within me that is different from the standardized unit of time. In this work, the “time limit” is probably the two-week period until the pea shoots grown in the factory are shipped. During the period up to the “time limit,” the pea shoots inadvertently danced, and I was able to generate music from their electrical signals. Even after the two-week “time limit,” they continued to grow and still bask in the light. Turning our attention to others also means being aware of the diverse flows of time. This time, I am dealing with entities that exist in non-human time. I faced the time of the pea shoots. By using video, I attempted to record the different appearances of the pea shoots by stretching and compressing “time” through time-lapse.
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